Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tasks/Assignments and Educational Implications

Week Nine:

            Almost every week I am assigned an event to take photos at.  They are generally pretty straight forward.  My latest event was an Art Gallery Show on campus.  These are the best because there’s always ample lighting on the art work and I am able to roam around and be a little artistic while also getting good shots of everything, including the artist and their work.  Recently I have started up a “Photo of the Week” project on the eNews letters that are sent out.  In one of our weekly meetings, we (Caisse and I) we discussed photos and how they liked my photography blog.  I then told them about my “Worcester State University” link and how I’ve take photos on campus and if they were interested in using any of them.  They seemed to like the idea, and thought about maybe having a photo of the week highlight.  On weeks that I don’t have much going on and there are not many events, I go off and take some photos around campus.  It’s a nice side job and I enjoy the photography freedom it gives me. 

            For this internship I would say that my Intro. To Digital Photography class last semester was the most help, because it gave me a lot of practice and good incite on how to take good photos.  The skills I’ve learned, as I’ve said before, are how to take photos inside.  Before I wasn’t bad at it, but with all this practice I think I’ve become pretty good at taking photos inside. 

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